
Artificial eyes for animals are presented in several categories by the material of manufacture and manufacturer.
Eyes made by KL Glasaugen, Germany. German eyes are plastic and glass. Plastic mainly for medium-sized birds with an eye diameter less than 10 mm. Glass eyes in the presence of animals, mostly large (deer, elk, antelope). Also in the assortment of glass eyes on wire: pure black or clear with black pupil painted.
The eyes production company "TK", Russia. The eyes are two types: plastic economy and plastic reflective. Plastic eyes economy is presented in the color grade on most of the animals and birds of Europe and some species of fish and reptiles and represent a hemisphere of black (birds and fish) or white color in size from 10 mm. Reflective eyes are produced the same diversity as the plastic economy, but 14 mm and they represent the area with white or black (for the birds) the main color of the artificial eyeball.